With the modern technology we have today, we are able to harness the sun’s energy much more efficiently than ever before. The use of solar energy is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bill. But what part of the united states is best for capturing solar energy?
The factors
Amount of Sunlight
The sun is the key ingredient for solar energy capture. Obviously, you’re not going to be able to generate very much solar power if you live in an area that is constantly cloudy or experiences long periods of darkness (like during winter). That’s why it’s important to consider how much sunlight an area receives when determining whether or not it’s a good place for solar power generation.
The Southwest region of the United States is known for being one of the sunniest areas in the world. Death Valley, California, holds the record for the highest temperature ever recorded on earth: 134 degrees Fahrenheit! So it’s no surprise that this region is also one of the best places for solar energy capture. If you live in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, or Nevada, you’re in luck!
Average Temperature
You might be thinking, “I don’t live in Death Valley, so does that mean I can’t generate solar power?” Not necessarily. It’s true that high temperatures are ideal for solar panel efficiency, but moderate temperatures can also be conducive to solar power generation—as long as there is enough sunlight present.
The Northeast region of the United States actually has some of the highest levels of solar power generation per capita due in part to state incentives and regulations encouraging its use. And while this region doesn’t get as much sunlight as Death Valley, there are still large areas that receive a decent amount of sunlight throughout the year (especially compared to other parts of the country). So if you live in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or Delaware, you might want to consider investing in some solar panels!
Amount of Cloud Cover
As we mentioned before, cloud cover can have a big impact on solar power generation. Even if an area doesn’t have high temperatures or direct sunlight year-round, it can still be a good place for solar power if there isn’t too much cloud cover present.
- Hawaii is actually one of the best states for generating solar power because it has both high levels of sunlight and low levels of cloud cover throughout the year. And although it’s not technically part of the contiguous United States, we thought we would include it here since it’s such a great place for capturing solar energy!
The parting words
So if you live in one of these areas and are looking to invest in some renewable energy sources, solar panels might be a good option for you!